Miller Elementary

Amal Chehab

Spring Break

There will be no school for all Dearborn Public School’s students March 27 thru March 31st. School will resume on Monday, April 3. Have a wonderful break!

Guest Reader Amer Zahr

Guest Reader Amer Zahr

Our 4th grade students got to listen to comedian and law professor Amer Zahr read a book today. Amer is not only funny and entertaining but also a great advocate for being proud of our culture and identity. The students loved showing him their cultural outfits and...

Mustang Week Ahead- March 20

Mustang Week Ahead- March 20

Happy Spring! After a long winter, we are definitely ready to welcome warmer temperatures and spending more time outside. This week will also mark the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan. Ramadan Mubarak to all our observing families. May it be a happy, safe and...