Miller Elementary

Amal Chehab

Eid Celebration Fun

Eid Celebration Fun

What a a fun day! Thank you to all our amazing families, students, and staff for making this a successful and memorable event. Thank you for your generous donations and continuous support. Thank you also to the local businesses for your donations and generosity. As...

Mustang Week Ahead- April 24

Mustang Week Ahead- April 24

Greetings Miller Family, Eid Mubarak to all our celebrating students, staff and families. We hope that this special day was filled with joy, peace and prosperity for you all. عيد مبارك لجميع طلابنا وموظفينا وعائلاتنا. نأمل أن يكون هذا اليوم الخاص مليئًا بالفرح والسلام...

Kids Heart Challenge is underway!

Kids Heart Challenge is underway!

Kids Heart Challenge is happening NOW and we are off to a great start. Please help us reach our school goal of $1,000! The top fundraising class will earn a GLOW IN THE DARK PE DAY! Help your student’s class win by helping raise funds for the American Heart...

Mustang Week Ahead- April 24

Mustang Week Ahead- April 17

Greetings Mustang families, We hope you are enjoying the weather. It was a long winter and the warmer temperatures are definitely welcomed. This week marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan. Our students are excited to celebrate Eid with their families and friends....

Mustang Week Ahead- April 24

Mustang Week Ahead- April 10

Greetings Miller Family, Happy Easter to everyone who is observing. May this Easter bless you and your loved ones with joy, peace, goodness and love. عيد فصح سعيد لكل من يراقب. ليباركك عيد الفصح هذا أنت وأحبائك بالفرح والسلام والخير والمحبة. Last week we sent out...

Have you Ordered a Yearbook Yet?

Have you Ordered a Yearbook Yet?

Yearbook orders will be in by June. If you have not ordered one yet, please do so before it is too late. ستكون طلبات الكتاب السنوي في شهر حزيران (يونيو). إذا لم تكن قد طلبت واحدة حتى الآن ، فيرجى القيام بذلك قبل فوات الأوان. Yearbooks are $11 each All classes and...

Mustang Week Ahead- April 24

Mustang Week Ahead- April 3

Welcome back to our Mustang family, We hope you enjoyed the Spring break with your family and friends. We are looking forward to warmer weather and spending more time outdoors. The next few months will be busy for all of us as we continue to work together in guiding...