Miller Elementary

Mustang Week Ahead- March 6, 2023

Greetings Mustang family,

We hope you are staying warm and safe as these last few weeks of winter have been truly testing us. This month we are celebrating the importance and joy of reading. We will have guest readers from the community reading to students their favorite books. We are also welcoming parents who would like to read in their child’s classroom. Please let us know if you would like to set up a time.

Be sure to refer to the reading month calendar and participate in the scheduled events each day.

Monday: Welcome Back

Tuesday: 5th grade parent meeting at 9:15am

Wednesday: LATE START- School starts at 10:00am. Doors open for breakfast at 9:30am

CITY WIDE ART SHOW 4:30pm- see details below

Friday: Crazy Hair Day- Snack Sale

This Week’s Lunch Menu