Dearest Miller Families,
Team Miller sending their love and well wishes to all with hopes you are well, safe and taking care of one another. With Ramadan entering its final week, we send blessings to all celebrating Eid this coming weekend.
Critically important students remain engaged in virtual learning and completing classroom lessons DAILY. We are relying on our parents to be the bridge between school and home by continuing to monitor and assist students with completion of learning tasks. At minimum students should be checking and completing assignments posted on Teacher’s Google Classroom, reading every day twenty minutes via i-Ready. Students choosing not to engage in virtual learning will be REQUIRED to attend Summer School and are at risk of repeating the grade!
Administrators will be coordinating with the PTA and Miller Staff to schedule virtual grade level parent meetings aimed at discussing end of the year questions and listen to parent concerns and recommendations, your active engagement and feedback would be appreciated, meeting schedule and guidelines forthcoming. Distribution and collection of student materials will take place the first week of June, summer learning materials, supplies and students’ personal belongings will be distributed while classroom and library books collected.
All Miller families should have received a PEBT Food Card, attached is an informational question and answer sheet to assist and guide parents with use of this valuable resource.
Kindergarten Round Up Power Point is currently being translated and will be posted on the school website later this week. Links to District and Miller websites attached, continue providing the most up to date information, please make a point to check regularly. Gleaners Food Bank distribution is scheduled for June 2, 2020, please plan accordingly.
Miller Elementary Gleaners Schedule 2020 11 A.M.
Tuesday – June 2, 2020
Tuesday – June 30, 2020
Tuesday – July 28, 2020
Tuesday – August 25, 2020
Tuesday – September 22, 2020
All school personnel will be unavailable Friday 5-22 thru 5-25 in observance of Memorial Day Weekend, Eid Mubarak to all celebrating and God Bless the Miller Community, today and every day!
Team Miller
Dearborn Public Schools Website
Dearborn Public Schools COVID-19 Continuity of Learning Plan
Dearborn Public Schools Translation Blog