Miller Elementary

Have you thanked a teacher today?

 This week is Teacher Appreciation Week May 8-12
Thank you, teachers, for all yo do 🙂

If You Give a Teacher a Student
Based on the book:
If you Give a Mouse a Cookie by Laura Joffe Numeroff

If you give a teacher a student, they’re going to teach them things like math, science and grammar.
When they teach these subjects, the students will get smart and excited about learning.
 When they get excited about learning, they will become curious about other subjects.
So, the teachers will indulge their curiosity through experiments and hands-on learning.
 As they teach their students, teachers will realize that they don’t just spend their day teaching, but they spend time coaching, loving and nurturing too.
 So, they’ll probably give their students praise and positive reinforcement.
 They’ll get carried away and they may even end up giving hugs and affection too!
 When teachers are done, students will have a solid foundation of education to build upon.
 Then, the students will apply their education in their careers. 
They might be successful engineers, doctors, lawyers, nurses or teachers.
 And chances are, if the students are successful in the future,
They have a teacher, like you, to thank for it.