Miller Elementary

Mandatory Kindergarten Meeting Wednesday, March 1

Attention Kindergarten Parent(s)/Guardian

Recently the State of Michigan adopted into law House Bill 4822 Public Act 306, legislation which requires all current kindergarten students become proficient readers by third grade or face mandatory retention. In response, Miller Elementary and the Dearborn Public Schools are committed to partnering with parents and ensuring all children realize their full academic potential. As a first step, a mandatory informational parent meeting for all kindergarten students has been scheduled Wednesday – March 1st, 2017 at 9 AM in the Cafeteria. During the meeting, stringent legislative requirements of Public Act 306, Miller Elementary’s Plan of Action in response to legislative requirements and parental roles and responsibilities will be discussed in detail.
Attending this meeting is a crucial first step in forming a long-lasting partnership where we will systematically work together for the betterment of our children. As always, I appreciate your continued support and look forward to speaking with you Wednesday, March 1st, 2017 at 9 AM.

Mandatory Kindergarten Letter