District Calendar
Official Calendars
Parent Connect
Grades, attendance, and student information system
Student Portal
Student links and resources.

Positive Office Referrals
Congratulations to the students who were recognized this week for making great choices- being kind, responsible, helping others, and always working hard. We are very proud of you!

Meet the Principal Meeting- Thursday, September 12 at 4:00pm
قابل الاجتماع الرئيسي - الخميس 12 سبتمبر الساعة 4:00 مساءً مقهى ميلر انضم إلينا للدردشة مع المشرف الدكتور ماليكو، المديرة السيدة شهاب، ومساعد المدير السيد...

Reminder: Early Release Today! Tuesday, Sept. 10th.
Dismissal time is at 2:25 p.m. today. Remember, Early Release will continue on Tuesdays for the remainder of the school year. تذكير: الإصدار المبكر اليوم! الثلاثاء 10 سبتمبر. وقت الانطلاق الساعة 2:25 ظهرا اليوم. تذكر أن الإصدار المبكر سيستمر أيام الثلاثاء...
Crossing Guard Job Posting
The City of Dearborn is looking to hire crossing guards for our schools. If you or someone you know is interested, please use the link below to apply. https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/dearbornmi/jobs/4183806/school-traffic-attendant-pt

Mustang Week Ahead- September 9-13
Greetings Miller Families, We hope you are enjoying the weekend. We are excited for another great week at Miller. Safety is a priority for all of us. Please ensure that your child is dressed in comfortable clothing for school. Students play outside three times a day....

Meet the Principal Meeting- Thursday, September 12 at 4:00pm
First Early Release ~ Tuesday, Sept. 3rd. Dismissal @ 2:25pm
Reminder: Early Release Today! The district’s first early release of the school year will be on Tuesday, Sept. 3rd with dismissal at 2:25pm. Early release will continue on Tuesdays for the remainder of the school year. الإفراج المبكر الأول ~ الثلاثاء 3 سبتمبر....
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