Miller Elementary

Jamel Lawera

5th Grade Students hard at work today at Miller Elementary…

5th Grade Students hard at work today at Miller Elementary…

طلاب الصف الخامس يعملون بجد اليوم في مدرسة ميلر الابتدائية... Evidence of: Clear Learning Objectives and teachers checking for student understanding. Students are engaged in their learning..... Students in Mrs. Musleh's classroom learning Math today.... الدليل على:...

Miller Mustang Week Ahead, Feb. 24th – 28th:

Miller Mustang Week Ahead, Feb. 24th – 28th:

Good afternoon, Miller Families, Happy Sunday! We hope that you are enjoying the weekend with your family and friends.  This month is flying by and we are ready for another exciting week at Miller. Monday is the District Spelling Bee hosted at Fordson High School...

Student of the Month Celebration Today…

Student of the Month Celebration Today…

احتفالية الطالب المتميز اليوم... Congratulations to all of the students who were the Student of the Month! Great job everyone!! تهانينا لجميع الطلاب الذين حصلوا على لقب طالب الشهر!  عمل عظيم...

Miller Mustang Week Ahead, Feb. 17th – 21st:

Miller Mustang Week Ahead, Feb. 17th – 21st:

Good afternoon, Miller Families, We hope that you are enjoying the long weekend with your family.  Please be safe and stay warm.  Temperatures are colder today.  Our Lost and Found area at Miller is full of jackets, gloves, and hats.  We are asking...