Miller Elementary

Jamel Lawera

Girl’s Basketball Game Tonight!

Girl’s Basketball Game Tonight!

The Girl's Basketball Team played hard and gave it their best effort. Although they did not win, the games were fun and exciting! Excellent job everyone... Away Game Played At Salina Intermediate Tonight....It was nice hearing and seeing everybody cheering for Miller!...

PTA Founder’s Day Celebration yesterday….

PTA Founder’s Day Celebration yesterday….

Congratulations to the staff who were recognized at the 85th Founders Day Celebration yesterday evening.... Mariam Hamid, Taqwaa Mohamed (not pictured), Yusra Alsabahi (not pictured), Jennifer Burgess, Angie Drabczyk, Cother Mohamed Also, students; May Sokari and...

Students hard at work in their Special Area Classes….

Students hard at work in their Special Area Classes….

Evidence of high student engagement and checking for student understanding....Great job everyone! Students working together in groups in the S.T.E.A.M. Class. Very exciting project..... Students in P.E. Class: Rainbow Bowling.....Very Fun Students in Music Class...

Enrollment opening soon for free Summer Discovery Program for current K-8 students

Enrollment opening soon for free Summer Discovery Program for current K-8 students

سيتم افتتاح التسجيل قريبًا في برنامج Summer Discovery المجاني لطلاب مرحلة الروضة وحتى الصف الثامن الحاليين Students can enroll through their regular school starting on Monday, March 3. Please see the link below for more information regarding Summer School: يمكن للطلاب...

Lifetouch Candids/Pictures tomorrow!  Friendly Reminder….

Lifetouch Candids/Pictures tomorrow! Friendly Reminder….

Wednesday is when Lifetouch will be taking pictures of the different clubs, safety groups and sport(s). Please remind your child to wear his/her appropriate gear for the pictures. Thank you in advance. Pictures will be taken of the following clubs, sports, etc: Art...