These students did an excellent job assisting Mr. Lawera with the new cafe procedures that are put in place now at Miller Elementary. These student leaders encouraged all the other students to follow the procedures, expectations and routines in the cafe which made it...
Jamel Lawera
Students hard at work in our Kindergarten classes at Miller Elementary
Evidence of: Student Engagement. Students did a great job in their classes. They were able to explain what they were learning. Keep up the excellent work! الطلاب يعملون بجد في فصول رياض الأطفال لدينا في مدرسة ميلر الابتدائية دليل على: مشاركة الطلاب. قام الطلاب...
Thank you Mr. Nabeel Althalaya
Mr. Althalaya volunteers multiple times per week at the new raised crosswalk to make sure that all students and families cross the street safely. Thank you Mr. Althalaya! You are appreciated. On behalf of Principal Chehab and myself, we thank you for making sure all...
Meet our SRO, Corporal Anhut from the Dearborn Police Dept.
Cpl. Walter W. Anhut Dearborn Police Department School Resource Officer Cpl. Anhut visits Miller frequently. He talks with students, helps with practice safety drills and collaborates with us to ensure that Miller is always safe for all students and staff. Thank you...
Friendly Reminder: When to Keep Your Child Home From School…
When To Keep Your Child Home From School Chickenpox Keep child home until they have no new sores for 24 hours AND all sores are dried and crusted. During an outbreak of chickenpox, children who are NOT vaccinated for chickenpox (Varicella) and have been in close...
Tuesday: Early Release @ 2:25
Mustang Week Ahead – February 3rd – 7th:
Good afternoon Miller Families, We hope that you are enjoying the weekend with your family. Thank you to those parents who attended our interactive Parent Meeting last week. It was great to see everyone! We've included some pictures below. Students who have received...
Cafe Volunteers – Thank you for all of your assistance….
Every 2 weeks, we rotate students to help in the cafe. Congratulations to those students who won the raffle drawing today. Great job! Sincerely, Mr. Lawera 🙂
Parent Meeting Today at 9:15 🙂
Miller Boy’s Basketball Celebration this week:
Special thank you to the Hype Coach for bringing a gift for each student during this week's celebration and student parade!! Way to go Mustangs!