Miller Elementary

Amal Chehab

Tomorrow is Count Day

Tomorrow is Count Day

Count Day is tomorrow. It is very important that all students attend school and are on time. Count Day is when all public schools in Michigan tally the number of students attending their schools. We look forward to seeing you!

Mustang Week Ahead- February 6th

Mustang Week Ahead- February 6th

Greetings Miller Mustang Community, It sure was cold last week. Our students had indoor recess every day as the wind chill was under 20 degrees each day. While we are hoping for warmer temperatures this week, we remind you to make sure all students are dressed...

Mustang Week Ahead- February 6th

Mustang Week Ahead- January 30

Greetings Miller Families, Can you believe the month of January is almost over? We have had a busy yet productive start to the year and are very proud of our students' hard work. Please be sure to look for your child's report card as students took them home on Friday....

NEHS Ceremony

NEHS Ceremony

Congratulations to our National Elementary Honor Society (NEHS) students. These students were chosen based on criteria such as high academic performance on state and local assessments. Our NEHS students made a pledge to uphold the 4 pillars of Responsibility,...

Mustang Week Ahead- February 6th

Mustang Week Ahead- January 23

Greetings Miller Families, We hope you are enjoying this snowy day. We had a busy and productive week last week and are looking forward to continuing as we start a new card marking period this week, We want to extend a big THANK YOU to all our parents. We appreciate...



Tomorrow, Monday 23 is a HALF DAY. Dismissal is at 12:05. 2nd grade will hold a BAKE SALE before dismissal. All students can purchase cakes, donuts, cupcakes and snacks.

Bucket-Filler Celebration

Bucket-Filler Celebration

Congratulations to our Bucket-Fillers. This week we celebrated and congratulated each of them. We are very proud of each Bucket-Filler for always being kind, respectful, responsible and courteous. Congratulations also the raffle winners who took home a toy from the...

Student of the Month Celebration

Student of the Month Celebration

Congratulations to our Students of the Month. This week we celebrated and congratulated each of them. The students had lunch on the stage with Mrs. Abdulla and Mrs. Chehab. They also had special icecream sundaes and treats. We are very proud of each of you!