Miller Elementary

Amal Chehab

Edsel Ford Seniors Visit to Miller

Edsel Ford Seniors Visit to Miller

Edsel Ford Seniors came to Miller last Friday. The soon to be graduates proudly walked through the hallways as our students cheered and congratulated them👨🏻‍🎓👩‍🎓

Mustang Week Ahead- May 22nd

Mustang Week Ahead- May 22nd

Greetings Mustang Families, We hope you enjoyed the beautiful weather this weekend. We are looking forward to a great week! The Miller National Elementary Honor Society is raising money for St.Jude Children's Hospital. Let's help them make this a great success!...

Parent Meeting Friday at 9:15am

Please join us for a parent meeting in the cafeteria on Friday morning. The meeting will start at 9:15am. Breakfast and coffee will be served. LAHC will be hosting an interactive meeting. يرجى الانضمام إلينا لاجتماع الوالدين في الكافتيريا صباح يوم الجمعة. سيبدأ...

Mustang Week Ahead- May 22nd

Mustang Week Ahead- May 15

Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful mothers. We hope you take the time to enjoy your special day. عيد أم سعيد لجميع الأمهات الرائعات. نأمل أن تأخذ الوقت الكافي للاستمتاع بيومك الخاص. Last week was a busy week as we celebrated our amazing Miller Teachers. With the...