Miller Elementary

Amal Chehab

Mustang Week Ahead- September 11

Mustang Week Ahead- September 11

Greetings Miller Families, Last week was a short yet very busy week at Miller. Teachers and students have been working very hard on learning procedures and reminding students of school expectations. We are very proud of our Mustangs and are excited for a successful...

Mustang Week Ahead- September 11

Mustang Week Ahead- September 5

Greetings Mustang family, We hope you all had an enjoyable and safe holiday weekend. Last week our students did a great job of transitioning back to school. We thank you all for helping us to make our dismissal and traffic run smoothly. Having traffic flow in a one...

No School on Friday and Monday

All Dearborn Schools will be closed Friday, September 1st and Monday, September 4th for the Labor Day weekend. School resumes on Tuesday, September 5th. سيتم إغلاق جميع مدارس ديربورن يومي الجمعة 1 سبتمبر والاثنين 4 سبتمبر بمناسبة عطلة عيد العمال. تستأنف الدراسة يوم...

Lunch Menu This Week

Lunch Menu This Week

Breakfast and lunch will start on Tuesday. The doors will open at 8:30am for breakfast. Students who are not having breakfast should not come to school until 8:50 am.

Parents Please Complete this Survey

Dearborn Public Schools is surveying parents who may need assistance with childcare when early release Tuesdays start in October.   English survey Arabic versions survey The district is still developing plans for how to assist parents on the days when students get out...