Miller Elementary

District Surveys for Parents, Staff and Students

The district’s commitment to always improving means looking at what areas most need work.

To gather feedback, the district has launched surveys for parents, staff and students.  Each survey asks a series of questions about that school’s environment and culture, student engagement, and school safety. Some questions also ask for feedback about the new open house schedule this year.

Emails are being sent to the different groups with the correct link for the appropriate survey.  If parents have children in different schools, for example elementary and middle school, they are asked to complete a separate survey about each school.

Surveys will be available until Dec. 22, 2023, when the district closes for the start of winter break.  All the survey responses are anonymous.

Principals, district administrators and others will use the survey results to look at the strengths and weaknesses of each school and consider ways to improve areas that fall short.

“We know our staff work hard every day to deliver the best education and services they can to students,” said Superintendent Glenn Maleyko.  “But we also know there is always room for improvement.  These surveys are a tool to help us understand if we are fully meeting students’ needs and to learn what areas our parents, students and staff feel need to be addressed.”

Parent/Family Survey Link

Staff Survey Link

Student Survey Link