Greetings Miller Families,
This week is a short week- we have school only on Monday and Tuesday due to the Thanksgiving holiday. This week is the perfect time to do some reflecting and express gratitude for all the blessings we are thankful for.
هذا الأسبوع هو أسبوع قصير – لدينا مدارس فقط يومي الاثنين والثلاثاء بسبب عطلة عيد الشكر. هذا الأسبوع هو الوقت المثالي للقيام ببعض التأمل والتعبير عن الامتنان لجميع النعم التي نشكرها.
At Miller, WE ARE THANKFUL FOR… في ميلر، نحن ممتنون لـ…
- OUR STUDENTS who come to school every day ready to learn – they give us all a daily reminder of what is important and why we are here.
- طلابنا الذين يأتون إلى المدرسة كل يوم مستعدين للتعلم – فهم يقدمون لنا جميعًا تذكيرًا يوميًا بما هو مهم وسبب وجودنا هنا
- OUR FAMILIES for their continued support and partnership throughout the year.
- عائلاتنا لدعمهم المستمر وشراكتهم طوال العام.
- OUR STAFF who really care about student achievement and have the best interests of our students at heart.
- موظفونا الذين يهتمون حقًا بإنجازات الطلاب ويضعون مصلحة طلابنا في الاعتبار

This weekend our Miller Bots (under the guidance of Mrs. Burek), competed against several schools in a robotics competition. They were placed in 3rd place overall and received the 2nd place innovation award. The Miller Bots will be advancing to the state competition in December and we are so proud of them!
Congratulations to the Miller Bots and Mrs. Burek

Thank you for all your support during our Battle Against Hunger fundraiser. Our students were excited to participate and help others who are in need. The class with the highest count of items collected will be treated to an ice-cream party. The items were counted on Friday and the winning class will be announced on Monday morning!
نشكرك على كل دعمك خلال حملة جمع التبرعات لمعركتنا ضد الجوع. كان طلابنا متحمسين للمشاركة ومساعدة الآخرين المحتاجين. سيتم معاملة الفصل الذي لديه أكبر عدد من العناصر التي تم جمعها بحفلة الآيس كريم. تم عد العناصر يوم الجمعة وسيتم الإعلان عن الفصل الفائز صباح يوم الاثنين!

On Tuesday, we are offering a special “Thanksgiving” lunch to students. Students will be served turkey, green beans, vegetables, mashed potatoes, dinner roll and dessert. We will post photos of this special feast!