Greetings Miller Family,
Can you believe the month of May has officially started? Our students are definitely starting to talk about our end of school year events. While this is an exciting time for everyone, we also want to continue focusing on ending this year successfully. There is still a lot to learn and students are working hard to reach their end of year goals. We are very proud of all our students hard work and growth so far. Keep it up and let’s finish strong Mustangs!
هل تصدق أن شهر مايو قد بدأ رسميًا؟ بدأ طلابنا بالتأكيد في الحديث عن أحداث نهاية العام الدراسي لدينا. في حين أن هذا وقت مثير للجميع ، فإننا نرغب أيضًا في مواصلة التركيز على إنهاء هذا العام بنجاح. لا يزال هناك الكثير لنتعلمه ويعمل الطلاب بجد لتحقيق أهدافهم في نهاية العام. نحن فخورون جدًا بعمل جميع طلابنا الجاد والنمو حتى الآن. استمروا في ذلك ودعونا ننهي سيارات موستانج القوية!
Last week was a busy week full of celebrations. While we have shared photos of each of the celebrations, we want to extend a special thank you to everyone who supported us during the Eid celebration. The Eid Celebration was a huge success. Our students were very happy and everyone walked away with a bag of goodies.
Thank you to all of you for sending in donations. Without your support, this event would not have been possible. Thank you also to our wonderful Miller PTA. We appreciate your constant support and dedication to all students. We were also very fortunate to have many volunteers at each of the stations. Thank you to the parents, grandparents, siblings and neighbors who showed up to volunteer. This year, we were also very fortunate to have the support of local businesses.
كان الأسبوع الماضي أسبوعًا مزدحمًا بالاحتفالات. بينما شاركنا صورًا لكل احتفال ، نود أن نتقدم بالشكر الخاص لكل من ساندنا خلال احتفال العيد. حقق الاحتفال بالعيد نجاحاً باهراً. كان طلابنا سعداء للغاية وخرج الجميع بحقيبة من الأشياء الجيدة. شكرا لكم جميعا على إرسال التبرعات. بدون دعمكم ، لم يكن هذا الحدث ممكناً. شكرًا لك أيضًا على Miller PTA الرائع. نحن نقدر دعمك المستمر وتفانيك لجميع الطلاب. كما كنا محظوظين جدًا بوجود العديد من المتطوعين في كل محطة. شكراً للآباء والأجداد والأشقاء والجيران الذين حضروا للتطوع. هذا العام ، كنا أيضًا محظوظين جدًا لأننا حصلنا على دعم الشركات المحلية.
Thank you to Maza Foods for setting up a candy station and personally passing out candy to each of our students.
Thank you also to Educare for donating candy and books.
Thank you to Westland Airtime for donating headphones, water bottles and sunglasses. Our students loved them all.
Thank you to Dearborn Fresh for your candy donations.
Thank you to Byblos Banquet Center for your monetary donation and support.
Thank you to Wrigley’s Pharmacy for your monetary donation and support.

Wednesday: Kindergarten Field Trip to the Zoo, Walk Bike and Roll to School Day, Bake Sale at school

Students can walk or ride their bike to school as a way to encourage more activity. We encourage adult supervision and want all students to be safe.
Friday: School Lunch Hero Day- be sure to thank our kitchen and cafeteria staff