Greetings Mustangs,
We hope you all enjoyed the snow day on Friday and are ready for a super week at Miller. As reading month continues we have planned for several guest readers to come in. We also have Game Night on Tuesday from 4:30 to 5:30. Be sure to join in the fun with LAHC.
نأمل أن تكون قد استمتعت جميعًا بيوم الثلج يوم الجمعة وأن تكون مستعدًا لقضاء أسبوع رائع في Miller. مع استمرار شهر القراءة ، خططنا لحضور العديد من القراء الضيوف. ولدينا أيضًا Game Night يوم الثلاثاء من 4:30 إلى 5:30. تأكد من الانضمام إلى المرح مع LAHC.
Reading Month Calendar

Monday: Welcome Back
Tuesday: LAHC GAME NIGHT 4:30pm at Miller
Thursday: Parent Teacher Conferences- invites sent by teachers
Friday: Half Day- Dismissal at 12:05pm, Snack Sale. St. Patrick’s Day- wear green