Greetings Miller Mustang Community,
It sure was cold last week. Our students had indoor recess every day as the wind chill was under 20 degrees each day. While we are hoping for warmer temperatures this week, we remind you to make sure all students are dressed appropriately.

This week marks the beginning of the 2023 Spring WIDA testing window. This state assessment measures students’ academic English language in the domains of listening, reading, speaking and writing. While not all students are required to take this test, those who will be tested will be informed by their teachers. Please allow your child to practice using this link: WIDA TEST PRACTICE

Congratulations to all of our 3rd, 4th and 5th grade spelling bee participants!

Our three finalists Faisal Alshaibah (3rd), Hassan Saleh (4th) and Nuha Aljahmi (5th) will go on to compete at the district level!
Way to go Mustangs!

Tuesday: Tutoring 8:00am
Wednesday: Count Day, Art Club 4:00pm
Thursday: Tutoring 8;00am
Friday: Walking Club at 8:30am, Snack Sale

Upcoming Dates:
February 15, Late Start, start time 10:00
February 17, No School for students – All teachers, professional development day
February 20, No School – Mid Winter Break