Greetings Miller Families,
We hope you are enjoying this snowy day. We had a busy and productive week last week and are looking forward to continuing as we start a new card marking period this week, We want to extend a big THANK YOU to all our parents. We appreciate your continued support for our Miller community.
تحية لعائلات ميلر ،
نأمل أن تكون مستمتعًا بهذا اليوم الثلجي. لقد كان أسبوعنا حافلًا ومثمرًا الأسبوع الماضي ونتطلع إلى الاستمرار حيث نبدأ فترة جديدة لوضع العلامات على البطاقة هذا الأسبوع ، ونريد أن نقدم شكرًا جزيلاً لجميع أولياء أمورنا. نحن نقدر دعمك المستمر لمجتمع Miller الخاص بنا.
Did you know we have a walking club? Miller’s walking club meets on the track on Friday mornings at 8:30am. Mr. Loconsole, our amazing gym teacher has been encouraging students and staff to join him to walk on the track. Parents are also welcome! There are many benefits to physical exercise in the morning. These include increased focus, energy and better mood for the day. We look forward to seeing more of you join us on Friday.

Monday: HALF DAY- Dismissal is at 12:05pm. There is no lunch. BAKE SALE before dismissal- please bring money if you wish to buy something
Friday: Snack Sale