Greetings Miller families,
We are in the last school week for 2022. Can you believe how fast the past few months passed by? We are anticipating a very busy yet fun and festive week.
We are very proud of our students for all their hard work and growth as they continue to work towards their personal and academic goals. As we approach the break please think of ways to incorporate reading and writing into your child’s daily schedule. Doing so will make a difference in maintaining the learning they have already achieved. Please be sure to join us on TUESDAY at 9:15am in the cafeteria for a parent meeting. We will share important reminders as well as reading tips to help your child at home.
Our Lost and Found box is once again full of unclaimed clothing. We have been asking that students label their coats, hats and gloves with their first and last name. Most coats have a tag where a permanent marker can be used to write each child’s name. Please help us by labelling your child’s clothing items.

Monday: Student of the Month Celebration
Tuesday: Parent Meeting at 9:15am in the cafeteria, Bucket Filler Celebration
Wednesday: Student Holiday Sing-a-long
Friday: Last Day of School until January 9th, 2023