Greetings Miller Family,
We hope you are all staying warm and safe. We have been reminding students daily about wearing a warm coat, hat and gloves to school. Students go outside three times a day and need to be dressed for the weather. Our district guidelines state that students go outside when the “real feel” temperature is 20 degrees and higher. Please also encourage your children to check our “Lost and Found” box for missing clothing items. It is overflowing with coats!

We want to extend a HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to our amazing MILLER BOTS team for competing on Saturday. We are very proud of their teamwork and perseverance! Also, a very special thank you to Ms. Burek and Ms. Wall for leading this great team.

Last week, we participated in the district’s Battle against Hunger event. Thanks to your generous food donations, Miller was able to collect and donate 850 items! The donations will be distributed to the needy by Zaman.