Tomorrow is the first day of the 2022-23 school year and we are very excited to welcome our students back. The first bell will ring at 8:55am and dismissal is at 12:05pm.
Arrival– We will have numbered balloons to show the location of line up for each grade. We will also have all our staff outside assisting students in finding their new teacher. Students will walk into the building with their teachers using the following doors:
- 1st grade and 4th grade – Main doorÂ
- 2nd and 3rd grade – Door 10
- Kindergarten and 5th grade – Door 2
Dismissal– If you are dropping off your child, please be sure to follow the traffic directions as shown on the map below. We will all need to work together to ensure the safety of all our students.
- Lois street will have only one way traffic during arrival and dismissal each day. Traffic will head North towards Michigan avenue.
- Parking in the bus lane is not allowed at any time
- Traffic in the parking lot will flow in a one way direction counter clockwise

Bus Students– All students who ride the bus should have received a postcard in the mail. This card provides information about the bus number as well as the time and location of bus pickup and dropoff. We ask that you discuss behavior expectations on the bus with your child.