Miller Elementary

Mustang Week Ahead

Greetings Miller Families,

We are finally getting the Spring weather we have been waiting for! We hope you are enjoying the warmer temperatures and spending more time outside. As we head towards the final days of Ramadan, we are continuing to plan for a Eid Celebration on May 4th for all our students. We are anticipating this PTA led event to be very fun and we know our students are excited for it. Thank you to all the parents who have volunteered to help make this a successful day.

Last week the district held their annual Teacher of the Year event. This event recognizes teachers who have been nominated by their students as leaving a positive impact on them. Congratulations to all our nominated teachers. Our teachers are true heroes who make a difference in students’ lives everyday!

What is Happening This Week at Miller?

Monday: Get your Eid Basket Raffle tickets in the morning

Tuesday: Spring Pictures

Wednesday: Happy Secretaries Day!

Thursday: District Care to the Core Day

There is NO SCHOOL on Monday, May 2nd and Tuesday, May 3rd- Eid Mubarak