Miller Elementary

Mustang Week Ahead

Greetings Miller family,

We hope you all had a relaxing and enjoyable Spring break! We look forward to welcoming our students back and are excited to continue learning and growing together. This is a busy time of the year for all of us and we appreciate your continued dedication and hard work.

Ramadan Mubarak to everyone who is celebrating during this blessed month. We understand that many of our students will be fasting during the school day. While we will do our best to ensure that all students are comfortable, please make sure they are getting the nutrition and rest needed to effectively function throughout the school day.

MSTEP testing will begin this month for students in 3rd. 4th and 5th grades. A schedule and more details will be shared with you soon. We will also be holding an informational parent meeting this week in regards to MSTEP testing.

What is happening this week at MILLER?

Monday: Welcome back

Tuesday: 2022 City Wide Art Show Opening at the Ford Community Performing Arts Center @ 4:30-7:00pm