Miller Elementary

March 1 to be a remote learning day

Following the announcement of a special election, Dearborn Public Schools has decided to move all students to remote learning on March 1, 2022.

On that Tuesday, students will log into their classes from home via Schoology and Zoom and have a full day of live learning with their teachers. Attendance will be taken. Buildings will still be open, and sports, clubs, and other activities can still continue. 

Earlier in January, state officials called for a special election in Dearborn to fill the state House seat vacated by Abdullah Hammoud when he became Mayor of Dearborn.  March 1 is the primary for that special election, and May 3 will be the election.

Most of the district’s schools are used as polling places, and those buildings will be open to the public on both election days.  May 3 is already scheduled as a day off of school for Eid.

Dearborn Public Schools this year again paid for every student to have a Schoology account in case COVID conditions forced students to return to remote learning.  In recent months, several individual classrooms have temporarily switched to remote learning due to COVID concerns, but the district as a whole has remained open.

A few months ago, each Dearborn Public school surveyed parents and students to ensure all students had a district Chromebook or other technology at home to access remote learning, if needed.

The district is traditionally closed on the November election day every year, and parents have increasingly expressed concerns when students were in class during other elections.

“While online learning is not ideal for most students and families long-term, we are glad we have the infrastructure in place to move to remote learning on election day. This will reassure families concerned about having buildings open to the public and allow students to focus on learning,” said Superintendent Glenn Maleyko.