Good Morning Miller Families,
The district has created parent accounts in Schoology for all parents that have a valid email address in MiStar.
Here is some information that I hope helps:
Parents go to a different URL than students.
Parents will go to https://app.schoology.com Students (and teachers) will still go to https://dearbornschools.schoology.com
Once the parents login in, they should change their password. (Their user name will be the same as their Parent Connect user name with a P before the number. Thus, if their Parent Connect user name is 1234567, their Schoology user name will be p1234567).
There is a post with information for parents on the Home Learning Hub .
Parents without an email address in MiStar – If a parent does not have an email in MiStar, we need to add an email into MiStar (please note that this must not be a duplicate email address). Adding to MiStar can be completed by a school secretary or the parent can add an email through ParentConnect.
Schoology also has a Parent Guide available to support you and your questions. One of the most important topics is Parent Notifications. You can choose how and how often you are notified by Schoology.
We value your participation in your child’s education, and we encourage you to read Schoology’s Privacy Policy & Terms of Use at https://www.schoology.com/privacy. Student progress and activity will be monitored by faculty to ensure a safe, secure, and controlled environment.
All Parent Accounts are based on the information provided in MiStar during registration. An email will be sent to all of the Parent email addresses that we have on file. The email will include a link to Schoology, a user name and a password.
لقد قام السيد تروي باترسون بإنشاء حساب لك/ لكِ على منصة سكولجي. وهي منصة لإدارة التعليم عبر الإنترنت.
يمكن تسجيل الدخول إلى حسابك /حسابكِ باستخدام المعلومات الواردة أدناه – نرجو منكَ/ منكِ تغيير كلمة المرور بعد
تسجيل الدخول