Dearborn Public Schools will be making applications available for this year’s GSRP preschool programs offered throughout the district on Wednesday, August 26, 2020 from 10 a.m – noon which is tomorrow. Applications will be available for pick up outside the office doors at the following locations:
Cotter Early Childhood Center 13020 Osborn St.
Please be sure to wear a mask when picking up applications.
When you pick up an application, an appointment will be made for your family to return paperwork on September 1st.
If families cannot not make it to one of these locations to pick up an application or if there is currently an application on file and an appointment is needed, please contact Cotter Early Childhood Center at 313-827-6150 before September 1st.
GSRP will be starting virtually this school year and will follow the direction of Dearborn Schools for returning to face-to-face instruction. Teachers will be working with accepted families remotely and offering some face-to-face assistance for families able to visit their classroom.