Good Evening Miller Families,
Hope all are well and hope you enjoyed the beautiful day!
As we enter the final week of the 2019 – 2020 school year Team Miller welcomes the opportunity to again thank each of you for the steadfast support and teamwork throughout the year. As a result of your communication and teamwork Miller’s Learning Community is stronger today than it was yesterday and we thank you. A BIG congratulations and GREAT job to Miller Elementary Students of the Month for May!
Materials distribution and collection on Thursday was a great success, it was great to see all the students and parents who participated. Of the 654 students attending Miller we were left with 40 bags of student materials. If students have classroom materials that need to be returned please drop them off in the boxes by the main door with a note listing students name and teacher. Families who have not picked up materials will be contacted tomorrow and required to pick up materials between 10 – 2 P.M. If materials are not picked up, they will be recycled and donated.

I-Ready Reading Diagnostic window opens tomorrow June 8th, 2020, all Miller students are required to take the reading diagnostic for proper reading placement. Upon logging in students will automatically begin the diagnostic and will not begin instructional lessons until the diagnostic has been complete. It is critically important students complete their own work and receive no assistance, doing so ensure they are assigned the proper reading lessons over the summer months. While taking the diagnostic students should take their time, read the question carefully and believe in themselves!
5th Grade Ceremony, Team Miller will be celebrating 5th Grade transition to middle school this Tuesday June 9th, 2020 beginning with Ms. Alsabahi’s class at 1 P.M. The ceremony is exclusive to fifth grade students and their parents. The ceremony will take place in the bus drop off near the North side of the building. Event details were previously shared and a flyer is attached. We look forward to a special celebration with Miller 5th grade students and their families.

It has been a wonderful year, albeit a year filled with uncertainty and a new normal of life for many. Thank you, Miller Community, for the patience and commitment to children during these most unprecedented of times. Team Miller prays for and looks forward to a fantastic 2020-2021 school year.
Please review a message from Dr. Maleyko: Superintendent Maleyko’s message
Wishing you and yours a restful summer break!
Team Miller