Miller Elementary

Join the Heart Heroes

Parents –

The American Heart Association visited our school yesterday to kick-off Kids Heart Challenge!  Look for envelopes, and a cool sticker sheet that they can bring to life when they download the Kids Heart Challenge App! 

Your students got to meet Alexa – a true Heart Hero – and were asked to do a few things to make themselves, their family and community healthier. 

What to do next:

Get started today by downloading the free Kids Heart Challenge app or by visiting our page: http://www2.heart.org/goto/millerelementary

  • Register & Take a challenge – Move More!  Be Prepared! Help Others!  Which will you choose?

Conversation Prompt:  What did you learn in today’s assembly?  Which Challenge do you want to take?  Why is it important to make a difference?  How has heart disease and stroke effected our family? 

The IMPACT:  Every $15 dollar gift brings info and cultural health programming to 100 people at high-risk for heart disease and stroke.  And your student receives a wristband, two heart heroes and a jump rope!

Thank you for your support of our PE program, and the AHA!

Mr. Loconsole