Miller Elementary

Dearborn Shines Contest (Student Post)

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Hi, my name is Dania Alsaidi from Mr.Duering 5th grade class.

I wanted to share some exciting information with you about our Dearborn Shines Project. In anticipation of the upcoming planting season we are asking for students input to determine the vegetable and herbs to purchase and plant in our garden.

To make this a memorable time we have some fun voting and contest activities. This will  provide you with essential background information so that students can cast an informed vote.  We have also given everyone a contest packet for students to work on. From these submissions, your class will be entered in a school-wide contest to claim the spot of planting your schools pollinator garden bed!

Stay tuned for updates throughout the week and some exciting healthy tips we will be sharing.  

Hi, my name is Reem Saleh and I am a student in Mrs. Traicoff’s 4th grade class. 

Here is Monday’s Healthy Tip: 

It is important to fill HALF of your plate with fruits and vegetables every day.  Fruits and vegetables are full of vitamins and provide our body with the super power to fight off illness.  For example, we know red fruits and vegetables are full lycopene which can help prevent certain types of cancer.  Our school garden will soon be full of colorful fruits and vegetables. Think of some of your favorite fruits and vegetables and different ways you might eat them.