Miller Elementary

2017 Dearborn Public Schools Impact Award

Just as the Teacher of Year of the year award celebrates the classroom teachers, the Impact award recognizes all other staff members who demonstrate the Dearborn Public School District’s Core Values and are consistently professional, personable and polite as they work with students, contribute to the classroom environment, and provide overall customer service in a variety of roles.

Deadline for submitting nominations: Friday, April 21, 2017.

Who can be nominated: Any full or part-time staff member employed with the Dearborn Public Schools for at least 3 years who provides ongoing demonstration of the District’s Core Values and is consistently personable, professional and polite as they work to create a better Dearborn Public Schools.

Examples of staff members who are eligible include Secretaries, Principals, Para pros, Custodians, Bus Drivers, Food Service Staff, Social Workers, Carpenters, Skilled Trade, Computer technicians or anyone who is not a classroom teacher but works for the Dearborn Public Schools.

1. The nominee must have been employed as a full or part-time staff member of the Dearborn Public Schools for at least 3 years.
2. The nominee must consistently demonstrate the District’s Core Values:
Honesty, Respect for Self and Others, Responsibility, Integrity, Courtesy, Citizenship
3. The nominee must create a better Dearborn Public Schools in the performance of their job.
4. The nominee must be personable, professional, and polite in the daily performance of their job.
5. Previous Impact Award winners may not win again.

Nomination Forms
Nomination forms can be found and completed online at https://docs.google.com/a/dearbornschools.org/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdupwQeT-U2fNR92MLPcAIhCOO6unx9FEpe9uKB1x6JmjDCaw/viewform.
Printed nomination forms are available at all school offices and should be returned to Dearborn Public Schools Administration Office, 18700 Audette, Dearborn 48124.

Download Form: Impact Award (Microsoft Word)

Selection Process: Four winners will be selected by a committee of District staff and community members based on the essays submitted.

Presentation: Winners will be presented their awards at the annual Green Tie Event sponsored by the Dearborn Education Foundation and held in May. Winners will receive a $500 cash award, engraved award, and complimentary dinner at the Green Tie Dinner on Tuesday, May 16, 2017.

Who can nominate someone for the Impact Award: Middle and High School students, staff members, parents, and other adults can submit nomination forms.

Questions: For more information about nominating a staff member or any aspect of the Impact Awards, please contact the Communications Office at 827-3006 or email communications@dearbornschools.org