Miller Elementary

Be Safe on the Bus!

Miller students travel to school in cars, on foot, and many students ride the bus each day. On Wednesday, September 16th Miller bus riders attended an assembly about how to be safe on the bus. Children in grades K-5 watched a short bus safety clip and then reviewed our PBIS Expectations:

  • Be Safe
  • Be Responsible
  • Be Respectful

We discussed ways to be safe, responsible and respectful as bus riders each day. Read below for a letter to parents of bus riders, and check out the presentation we viewed together as a school!

September 16th, 2015

Dear Parents,

We have had a wonderful start to our new school year and we are excited to have your child (children) at Miller Elementary. We are writing to let you know that this morning your child attended an assembly to allow us to share a bus safety program we will be implementing at Miller. Getting your child to and from school safely is extremely important to all of us.  We want to ensure that all children and parents understand our bus procedures and rules.  We hope the assembly at school and this letter will help all of us be consistent in our expectations.  

On the bus, students are expected to:

  • Stay in their seat at all times.
  • Face forward.
  • Keep hands, feet and objects to themselves.
  • Use an inside voice (speaking quietly to people in their seat)
  • Keep personal items (pencils, pens, homework) stored in backpacks.
  • Speak politely to all passengers and the driver.
  • Listen to adult directions.

In the Miller office, you can request a copy of the Dearborn Public Schools Bus Incident Report. Please note the types of behaviors that are considered inappropriate. Our goal in providing the bus safety assembly and this letter is that we can join together to create the safest bus ride possible for your child.  Please ask your child about our assembly and talk with them about why our rules and procedures are important.  We value and appreciate your help!